Thursday, June 12, 2008

Laughing Medicine

So...between 0530 and 0600 this morning, beyond my world of half slumbering on a desk at the nurse's station I hear my fellow coworker attempt to coax a patient back to his room and I hear something akin to, "No, I don't want you to take me, I want her (his assigned nurse who was busy and actually creeped out by him) to take me..." funniest thing to hear since prior to that, I tried to find that nurse because he needed some medication and as I walk past the short corridor of lockers I hear and see the slam of the bathroom door! About a minute later the main door to the locker area cracks open and I see this eye scoping around for safety. You only see that in cartoons right? Wrong. Welcome to reality at a day in the life of Sam's work. No, really, it's what keeps things amusing around here. Apparently he's just a very creepy guy...I'll save you the trauma from hearing about it.

One hour and I get to go home and curl up to sleep. Hmmm. :)

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