Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a thought...

You know, if I'm blogging three times a day...that's just an indicator that I have no life and have too much time at work. This is sad. Oh well. Sad but productive!

I overheard one of my all time favorite nurses talking on the phone with her husband and it made me think of how sweet it was that they were still so in love with one another. After she hung up, I told her that it's just sad how some couples stop loving one another after awhile; the passion just disappears, but really, would you stop liking or loving your friends? If not, why would you with your best friend? She told me that sometimes it's harder because couples have differences and we both agree that they can be worked out. John Bytheway said something akin to "you can be different, but be different together." (What I Wish I'd Known Before My Mission)

I hope my marriage will be a happily ever after for eternity where people will "awww" at me and my husband because we're old, decrepit and holding hands.


red said...

I agree with you! In love once, in love forever :) You're going to spend eternity with them, make the best of it!

Laverna said...

Amen! There's an old couple in my parent's ward that have become our surrogate grandparents. Eliza invited them to her and Michael's sealing. Since they're older, Mom asked Dan and I to give them a ride.
On the way down to Manti, we chatted a little, and Virginia asked how long we'd been married.
"Nine months." we told her.
"Oh, that's just long enough to start giving advice."
"Well, we're still learning."
"So are we."
This is coming from the mouth of a lady who has been married to her sweetheart for 60+ years.
I've watched couples fall in love, I've seen couples lose the spark. It's sad to see that happen. I think the thing that makes or breaks a marriage is making sure that you are ALWAYS more concerned about the well-being of your spouse than you are of your own well-being. (And of course, equal reciprocation from your spouse.)
There's a quote, I don't know who said it, but the gist of it is: When you marry your spouse, they become the perfect person for you. Not because they are free of faults, but because you are determined to be perfect for them.
Marriage is hard at times but such a joy! Most definitely worth the wait to find the right one.