Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Best Sunday Ever!

11 May 2008.

Anxious, I bugged Bishop because he said he'd call me after seeing the Stake President on Thursday...but he didn't. He told me to meet him right after Church. I was spiffed! Excitedly, I told Corey and waited in anticipation for that moment.

Bishop told me that everything was set: he was short of a few details that I needed to provide but what we thought was going to take forever turned out to be just a little muddle - the Stake President had everything he needed and would most likely submitt my call this week to Church Headquarters! You won't even believe the thrill that went through me when the Bishop told me that! When I saw the Stake President, he had only started his calling for about a week or so and I think things weren't completely organized yet. I thought that that meeting didn't count - that it was just an "introductory interview" and that I'd need to come back for a real one another time. I was really bummed that day, thoroughly put out by the fact that I couldn't get things done on time or soon enough because of stupid insurance issues. But! That's over! We don't really have a problem anymore and I'm just waiting for the President to send them in!

Bishop promised to call, again, if he sees the status "submitted" before he leaves for his business trip on word from him. It's Saturday. Michelle thinks that there's a chance he just forgot since he is preparing to go to China. Still! Oh well, I'll try to understand. The worst case scenario would be that I would get it the day Michelle leaves for the MTC and frankly, I'd much rather wait for it to come when it comes than for it to never come!

I can't believe it! It's actually happening! I'm going on a mission! I spent the last few day sending out emails to family and friends to let them know. It's kind of dumb to announce that I'm going on a mission and not tell them where I'm going, but people usually have a heads up with whether you were thinking about it or not, so I can cut myself some slack there. Friends and family are responding very positively about the news and are excited for me. I'm glad for their support, especially my parents' and my closest friends!

I wonder where I'll go? I use to have a problem with this...but I've come to terms with myself that it doesn't really matter where I go - the people there, wherever it is, are all God's children and need to hear the Gospel just as much as wherever else might seem cooler or less get what I mean. I know that Heavenly Father will place me somewhere where I can learn the most, where I'll be most useful, where the people need me, where I'll need them - because He can see better up there than I can down here.

I've always liked this poem and it's stuck on the inside cover of my journal - it will actually work for me now!

Father, where shall I work today?
And my love flowed
warm and free.
Then He pointed out a tiny spot
And said, "Tend that for
I answered quickly, "Oh no, not that!
Why, no one would ever see,
No matter how well my work was done;
Not that little place for me."
And the word He spoke, it was not stern;
He answered me tenderly:
"Ah, little one, search that heart of thine.
Art thou working for them
or for me?
Nazareth was a little place,
And so was Galilee."

-Meade McGuire

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