Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mormons will be Mormons...

So tonight I went to REIC (some real estate company) with the Wong's and after the event was over I ended up talking to one of the hosts, Ryan. Turns out the whole company is LDS, which isn't all that surprising, since the presenter spoke in some "Book of Mormon/missionary" Lingo. Well anyway, I ended up telling him I was from Scotland - you know, the usual schpiel (however that's spelled...) and mentioned that I had also served a mission. Well, we talked about my "vacation", as he put it, in Hawaii for awhile and then he says,
"You know...sister missionaries that have just returned are the most attractive - be careful! How is the dating going?"
"Not too well"
"Hmm...go to BYU, you'll be married in a month!"

I just think it's funny that some 30+year old real estate dude I just met is giving me dating advice...I guess Mormons will be Mormons...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You're breathing MY air...

I can't remember why I thought that...but I was on trax one day and that crossed my mind. I guess I'm just possessive ;).

Well, being my first post since I got home from the's not a very *fireworks* *music* *drum roll* type of a post...but I figured I should just write something to get the writing juices flowing again...hmm...yeah...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blogging just to blog

So I've been in Scotland for three weeks and it's great! It just feels healthy to be able to spend time with my family, though I do miss hanging out with my's kind of unreal that I have three more weeks to spend here and then I'll be back in Utah...then only two weeks and I'm officially "Sister Fung". How time flies.

I'm finally 21! All these years, growing a year older was just growing a year older, but this year feels different. The reality that I REALLY am getting older and that I am REALLY going to reach 25, 36, 30, 50 years old is quite a shock. Not news, but it's still a bit of a deer in the headlights feel.

I love being here, back at home. But I miss my other home. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dobhoff Feeds

Highlight of the day:

Justin, RN: "Have you been thinking about getting a dobhoff tube, Samantha?"
Sam, HCA: " know, hobby..."
Justin: "I've been thinking about it. It would be good to control your diet intake. Imagine if you wanted chocolate cake! All you would have to do is mix cake with hot water and mix it up real good - no nuts of course - just cake and icing and pump it through your tube."
Sam: "But then you'd be carrying your tubing everywhere!"
Justin: "Just the tube that goes down your nose, you could stick it behind your ear or wear it like a hat!"

Work is amusing. Nurses are even more so. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Doctors take up a lot of space...especially when they accumulate in one spot that blocks the hallway.


I think I actually have a post that's titled "um...yeah..."...oh well, anyway, I reread that post I just posted and realized that I have a very long run-on sentence. I'm at work. It's early. THAT'S MY EXCUSE!

Laughing Medicine

So...between 0530 and 0600 this morning, beyond my world of half slumbering on a desk at the nurse's station I hear my fellow coworker attempt to coax a patient back to his room and I hear something akin to, "No, I don't want you to take me, I want her (his assigned nurse who was busy and actually creeped out by him) to take me..." funniest thing to hear since prior to that, I tried to find that nurse because he needed some medication and as I walk past the short corridor of lockers I hear and see the slam of the bathroom door! About a minute later the main door to the locker area cracks open and I see this eye scoping around for safety. You only see that in cartoons right? Wrong. Welcome to reality at a day in the life of Sam's work. No, really, it's what keeps things amusing around here. Apparently he's just a very creepy guy...I'll save you the trauma from hearing about it.

One hour and I get to go home and curl up to sleep. Hmmm. :)