Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mormons will be Mormons...

So tonight I went to REIC (some real estate company) with the Wong's and after the event was over I ended up talking to one of the hosts, Ryan. Turns out the whole company is LDS, which isn't all that surprising, since the presenter spoke in some "Book of Mormon/missionary" Lingo. Well anyway, I ended up telling him I was from Scotland - you know, the usual schpiel (however that's spelled...) and mentioned that I had also served a mission. Well, we talked about my "vacation", as he put it, in Hawaii for awhile and then he says,
"You know...sister missionaries that have just returned are the most attractive - be careful! How is the dating going?"
"Not too well"
"Hmm...go to BYU, you'll be married in a month!"

I just think it's funny that some 30+year old real estate dude I just met is giving me dating advice...I guess Mormons will be Mormons...

1 comment:

CABE said...

Heh. Looks like you encountered the standard Mormon view on dating: "Go to BYU."

A lot of us aren't like that though. While I did meet my wife in a Singles Ward, I wouldn't be caught dead in BYU or giving dating advice.